Saturday, August 27, 2011

Bike to School Day

Today is the first day I rode my bicycle to school. Initially, I have been nervous about riding in San Francisco because of the hills. The Bike Coalition provides a great resource to map out ideal routes to take while cycling.  Unfortunately, it requires you to remember a lot of of left and right turns to stay on a less steep path. The way to school was great, mostly downhill, and only about 30 minutes. That is a full 15 minutes faster than my bus trip.  The way back home was more difficult. I chose to follow this route known as "The Wiggle."  The Wiggle zig zags it's way up the hills from near the Castro up toward the Panhandle. The path was amazingly flat feeling.  I made a wrong turn up a steep hill, a turn I hope I don't repeat.

Another enjoyable aspect of the day, was watching cyclists interactions with the car driving public. There are enough cyclists, that they feel empowered to yell at people for texting, or running red lights. I observed both of these events today. I saved $4, and probably burned off half of lunch. I think I'll strive to ride 2-3 days a week, but with the time to get to school, it may have to be at least TO school, everyday.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Introduction, Spacing after periods

Hello, my name is Kevin. I am currently a 1L (in law school parlance) at UC Hastings in San Francisco. I've decided to start a blog primarily just to provide a source of writing practice for myself. If something interesting, intellectually stimulating, or simply amusing comes from this, so be it. I will be covering things that I have some sort of vested interest: law, law school, politics, economics, indie rock, travel, and sports.

As I type, I am confronted with the desire to use one or two spaces after the end of sentences. I've read recently in Slate (, that the common style now is the single space. I am now trying to use one space, but after years of typing classes ramming it into my head to use two spaces, it is incredibly difficult to do. I am glad they have moved toward the single space because I always hated to use two spaces, especially because of the clunky way it would make abbreviations look, such as Mr. I have yet to learn what the preference for the legal profession is, but I'm sure it will serve to confuse me.  After flipping through my legal citations guide, I noticed a few double spaces. Am I ready for the confusion?  I sure hope so.  Are there any grammar or style freaks who love to feel superior? You have a great resource here and I will actually commend you for corrections.

A few upcoming topics I would like to touch include: Steven Colbert's Super Pac and the Citizens United decision, the Republican presidential primaries, how technology allow us to cater media to smaller groups, the San Diego Chargers season, and my first impressions of law school.